




Classical computing (the traditional approach of processing information using bits = binary digits) has several limitations. Some of the key limitations are 1.) limited processing speed restricts the ability to perform complex calculations in a reasonable amount of time; 2.) limited memory hinders the processing of large amounts of data; 3.) sequential processing means only one task at a time can be run, with higher capital expenditures needed to parallelize computation; 4.) high energy consumption leads to both, high cost and environmental impact; and 5.) limited ability to handle certain types of problems like large-data optimization and complex simulation.


Such limitations have led to the development of alternative computing paradigms. What if new methods could be more efficient than current supercomputers, 1,000x times faster, or even more? Quantum technology harnesses the principles and phenomena of quantum mechanics (the physics of subatomic particles), including quantum entanglement and quantum superposition. The last decade has seen quantum technology moving out of niche laboratories and into the realm of commercial and practical products and applications. Quantum technology is expected to revolutionise the way we sense the world, secure data, communicate and, especially, compute, offering tremendous potential for unimaginable and limitless market potential.


Pre-Seed & Seed to Series A

Initial Ticket Size

CHF 500k to 2.0m

Sector Expertise & Ecosystem

The fund is embedded in the rapidly expanding cutting-edge ecosystem of QuantumBasel, which includes access to high-performance infrastructure and quantum services as well as a partnering acceleration programme QAI Ventures

By leveraging its network partners, the fund can capitalise on a robust deal flow, enabling its portfolio companies to benefit from the unique ecosystem effects that provide an unfair advantage in the industry.

The team behind the fund relies on a unique blend of expertise: a proven track record in venture capital, accelerating, and developing companies, positioning them to excel throughout the entire value chain of high-growth quantum tech firms, as well as deep knowledge of quantum technology.

The quantum fund team is based in Switzerland, a country renowned for its world-class quantum-focused universities and research organisations such as ETH, EPFL, and CERN.




AI/advanced ML methods used to solve industry-specific problems have the potential to be integrated with quantum technologies in the future. Example use-cases are the development of digital twins, in-silico-trials, design tools, or chip development. Startups focusing on quantum AI and ML have the potential to emerge as the next generation of quantum startups.

Advanced AI/ML Applications

Quantum communication systems enhance security and privacy in data transmission through quantum key distribution, post-quantum cryptography and the quantum internet. The use of quantum communications is considered safe against the threat of quantum computers, addressing growing concerns over cyber threats and data breaches.

Quantum Communications

Quantum computing leverages the principles of quantum mechanics to perform complex calculations with enhanced speed and efficiency. A single quantum computer has the potential to outperform the world's fastest supercomputer, offering new avenues for research and development in areas such as materials science, drug discovery and sustainable energy solutions.

Quantum Computing

Quantum sensing technologies exploit quantum phenomena to achieve high-precision measurements in fields such as navigation, imaging, and medical diagnostics. Quantum sensors can achieve significantly better sensitivity than classical sensors, highlighting the potential impact of quantum sensing technologies on diverse industries.

Quantum Sensing




AI/advanced ML methods used to solve industry-specific problems have the potential to be integrated with quantum technologies in the future. Example use-cases are the development of digital twins, in-silico-trials, design tools, or chip development. Startups focusing on quantum AI and ML have the potential to emerge as the next generation of quantum startups.

Advanced AI/ML Applications

Quantum communication systems enhance security and privacy in data transmission through quantum key distribution, post-quantum cryptography and the quantum internet. The use of quantum communications is considered safe against the threat of quantum computers, addressing growing concerns over cyber threats and data breaches.

Quantum Communications

Quantum computing leverages the principles of quantum mechanics to perform complex calculations with enhanced speed and efficiency. A single quantum computer has the potential to outperform the world's fastest supercomputer, offering new avenues for research and development in areas such as materials science, drug discovery and sustainable energy solutions.

Quantum Computing

Quantum sensing technologies exploit quantum phenomena to achieve high-precision measurements in fields such as navigation, imaging, and medical diagnostics. Quantum sensors can achieve significantly better sensitivity than classical sensors, highlighting the potential impact of quantum sensing technologies on diverse industries.

Quantum Sensing




AI/advanced ML methods used to solve industry-specific problems have the potential to be integrated with quantum technologies in the future. Example use-cases are the development of digital twins, in-silico-trials, design tools, or chip development. Startups focusing on quantum AI and ML have the potential to emerge as the next generation of quantum startups.

Advanced AI/ML Applications

Quantum communication systems enhance security and privacy in data transmission through quantum key distribution, post-quantum cryptography and the quantum internet. The use of quantum communications is considered safe against the threat of quantum computers, addressing growing concerns over cyber threats and data breaches.

Quantum Communications

Quantum computing leverages the principles of quantum mechanics to perform complex calculations with enhanced speed and efficiency. A single quantum computer has the potential to outperform the world's fastest supercomputer, offering new avenues for research and development in areas such as materials science, drug discovery and sustainable energy solutions.

Quantum Computing

Quantum sensing technologies exploit quantum phenomena to achieve high-precision measurements in fields such as navigation, imaging, and medical diagnostics. Quantum sensors can achieve significantly better sensitivity than classical sensors, highlighting the potential impact of quantum sensing technologies on diverse industries.

Quantum Sensing

Associated Portfolio

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Multiverse Computing
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
Wave Photonics
This is some text inside of a div block.

As a venture capital investor in digital health, we bring significant value to our portfolio companies through our extensive network of investors and startups in the health sector, providing valuable connections and resources for growth. Additionally, our access to partners enables strategic collaborations and market opportunities. This includes our partnership with CSS, Switzerland’s leading health insurer, which we support in the implementation of its investment activities under the brand of SwissHealth Ventures. With our deep understanding of the industry and track record of successful deals in the segment, we offer expertise and guidance to help our portfolio companies navigate the complex landscape and maximize their potential.

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