Mohamed Foulser
Investment Team

What brought you to Redstone and when did you start?
I started off very differently than most in that I started a company before getting anywhere near VC. The company became part of the family business, and I then pursued a more ‘traditional’ career - I became an engineer :). I enjoyed my time doing that, but I wanted to get back the ‘entrepreneurial’ feeling. I started in VC in the UK and felt it was a good mix of entrepreneurial and ‘technical’ skills. I was then approached to bring a more technical perspective to Redstone, where I’ve been since 2019.
What are your main responsibilities in the team?
My main responsibility is in the management and execution of our Industrial strategy i.e. sourcing, investing, portfolio management, etc. I also support my other fund colleagues with technical insight on various deals while also exploring and supporting new strategy options.
What innovation will change the future in a positive way?
Personally, I believe that innovation (be it disruptive, incremental, etc.) is fundamentally dependent on the underlying information/data points you have, and the ‘ability’ to interpret/dissect that information to create/expose ‘new information’ is what will really change the future in a positive way. Take quantum computing: the base information/data has always been there, but the ‘ability’ of quantum computing may/will have a positive impact. Take material science: similarly, the information has always been there, but it’s the ‘ability’ of new methods to identify efficiencies that may/will positively impact the future.
How do you relax/clear your mind?
It depends on my mood, so it ranges from a spontaneous holiday to a movie to time with friends and family.
Whats your favorite lifehack to share?
TALK and LISTEN!! Nobody reads minds, so make yourself heard, but you need to balance it with the art of listening.
Associated portfolio companies